We must never be discouraged or give way to anxiety…
but ever to have recourse to the adorable Heart of Jesus.
–St. Margaret Mary Alacoque–


7:00am Extraordinary Form (Low Mass)

8:30am  Ordinary Form

10:30am Ordinary Form High Mass  

12:30pm Extraordinary Form (Sung High Mass in Latin)

Monday through Friday:

8am  Ordinary Form

6pm  Extraordinary Form, except Thursdays when this Mass is at Noon.

8am  Ordinary Form

10am  Extraordinary Form

5pm  Ordinary Form (Sunday’s Vigil Mass)

Lauds: Weekdays 7:45am;  Sundays: as announced.

One half hour before all Masses, except Wednesday mornings. 

Saturdays: 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm.

After the First Friday and First Saturday Masses, at 8am at 6pm.  

–Our Lady of Perpetual Help:  after the Tuesday morning Mass at 8am

–First Friday:  after the 8am and 6pm Masses.  

–First Saturday: after the 8am and 10am Masses. 


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