
 The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest is a society of apostolic life of Pontifical right whose goal is the honor of God and the sanctification of souls in the service of the Church. The Institute was founded in 1990 by Prior General Gilles Wach and Fr. Philippe Mora in Gabon, Africa.  Part of the Institute’s charism is the use of the traditional Latin liturgy of the 1962 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the other sacraments.  

Bishop Allen Vigneron invited the Institute to send a priest to St. Margaret Mary in order to continue the Parish’s ministry to those devoted to the traditional Latin Mass. Prior to this invitation, the traditional Latin Mass had been offered in the Parish since 1989 by the Diocesan clergy, namely by Fr. Vladimir Kozina, Fr. Paul Schmidt, and by Fr. William Marshall.  In January 2005, Canon Michael Wiener arrived at St. Margaret Mary and was appointed as the first Episcopal Delegate for the Extraordinary Form in the Diocese.  


Website for the Institute of Christ the King, St. Margaret Mary Apostolate is  HERE