Our History
Welcome to St. Margaret Mary, a small traditional Catholic parish. We are dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Catholic faith and fostering a close-knit community. Our parish has a rich history and a vibrant present, and we welcome all to join us in worship and fellowship.
Our History
This is a tiny parish geographically but probably the largest parish in the Diocese according to the places from which its members come. It is what is called a “parish of intention” or a “magnet parish.” People come from several counties and from all areas of the Diocese for the English and the Latin Masses. This is the only Parish in the Diocese in which the liturgy is regularly celebrated in Latin in both the Missal of Pope Paul VI (Ordinary Form) and the Missal of Pope John XXIII (Extraordinary Form). Under the pastorship of Fr. Vladimir Kozina, the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass resumed in 1989 with the permission of Bishop John Cummins, according to the Indult (special permission) granted by Pope John Paul II. It is now offered daily in our Parish. The St. Margaret Mary choir, under the direction of Paul York, sings Sundays at the 10:30am Mass. There are several choirs now serving the parish. A listing of the various choirs of the parish are here. Music from the classic tradition, as well as modern music in the classic style, is sung, along with Gregorian Chant and classical polyphony. The Moeller Pipe Organ was rebuilt and enlarged in 1988 and underwent major releathering in 2011.
Rev. Father Glenn Naguit is Pastor, appointed August 1, 2022
Rev. CanonBenjamin Norman serves as representative of the Institute of Christ the King, arrived September 2020
The parish has a St. Vincent de Paul Society. It also offers Religious Education for children preparing for First Confession and First Communion, for youth preparing for Confirmation, and for adults preparing for Christian Initiation or wishing to review their faith. You are cordially invited to become a member of St. Margaret Mary Parish and worship with us regularly.
Registration forms to join the parish are here. Print it and fill it out and mail to the rectory or fold and place in the collection basket at Mass. If you have been away from church for some time, now is a good time to begin again.
Envelopes are sent bi-monthly through the mail. If you wish to sign up to receive them, please do so by contacting the parish office. Also we now offer WE SHARE as an alternative to the envelope system. Using “WE SHARE”, you will be able to schedule your donation online using a credit card or automatic debit and you can control the amount and frequencies. To sign up for WE SHARE, go to the Parish homepage and click on ONLINE GIVING and follow the instructions. Parish email address is: parishoffice@stmargaretm.org
The Church and hall have undergone earthquake retrofitting. This project cost more than $1 million. Degenkolb Engineers, assisted by John Haag, Architect and Oliver Construction have completed the project. $250,000 has been raised through donations, bequests, and interest on savings. Fund-raising continues, in hope that all parish savings will not be depleted. As part of the project, Confessionals and rest rooms have been made handicapped-accessible. Sound and light systems in the church and hall were improved. A new upstairs restroom was constructed.
Fr. Peter E. Doyle 1922-30
Fr. William J. Quirke 1930-36
Msgr. Emmett O’Conner 1936-68
Msgr. James Quirk 1968-75
Fr. Kenneth Cabral 1975-84
Fr. Vladimir Kozina 1984-1994
Fr. George D. Sullivan 1994-98
Fr. Paul J. Schmidt 1999-2004
Fr. Stanislaw Zak Dec 2004 – Oct 2014
Fr. Rafal Duda, Administrator pro tem, Oct 2014 – Nov 2015
Fr. Glenn Naguit, Administrator, appointed Nov 9, 2015
Fr Kenneth Nobrega, Pastor, appointed July 1, 2021
Fr. Glenn Naguit, Pastor, appointed August 1, 2022
Fr. Michael J. Jennings
Fr. Philip J. Enright
Fr. James McElligott
Fr. Maurice P. Hannigan
Fr. Michael Walsh
Fr. Michael D. O’Brien
Fr. John M. Sweeney
Fr. Michael Fitzsimon
Fr. Chester J. Thompson
Fr. Edmund Hayburn
Fr. John T. Gallagher
Fr. Arthur W. Hoffman
Fr. Thomas E. Lacey
Msgr. John S. Cummins, who on May 3, 1977 became the second Bishop of the Diocese of Oakland.
Canon Michael K. Wiener, of the Institute of Christ the King arrives to serve as Episcopal Delegate for the Extraordinary Form. January 2005.
Canon Jean-Marie Moreau of the Institute of Christ the King arrives to serve as Episcopal Delegate for the Extraordinary Form. September 2008.
Canon Henry Fragelli of the Institute of Christ the King arrives to serve as Episcopal Delegate for the Extraordinary Form. September 2011.
Canon William Avis served in 2012 until Canon Olivier Meney’s appointment. Canon Olivier Meney of the Institute of Christ the King arrives to serve as Episcopal Delegate for the Extraordinary Form. Sept 2012.
Canon Michael K. Wiener returns as representative of the Institute of Christ the King, Sept 2019
Canon Benjamin Norman serves as representative of the Institute of Christ the King, Sept 2020 to the present.
Parish founded by Archbishop Edward Hanna, November 1922.
First Pastor: Rev. Peter Doyle, 1922
First Mass in rectory at 3615 Emerson St.
Second Pastor: Rev. William Quirke, 1930
Plans for new church and rectory developed. William Schirmer, architect.
Cost of construction of rectory $23,749
Cost of construction of church $74,085
First Mass in new church, July 26, 1931, Rev. Edmond Motherway
Dedication of new church, Archbishop Hanna, October 18, 1931
Third pastor: Msgr. Emmett O’Conner, 1936
Holy Family Sisters teach catechism to public school children
Second Vatican Council opens October 1961;
Alameda and Contra Costa counties become Diocese of Oakland by Pope John XXIII in 1962
First Bishop of Oakland: The Most Rev. Floyd Begin;
English introduced into the Mass; 10:30 Mass remains a sung Latin Mass.
Msgr. James Quirk becomes Administrator in 1968
Rev. Kenneth Cabral becomes Administrator in 1975
The Most Rev. John S. Cummins, who had resided at St. Margaret Mary’s
with Msgr. O’Connor, was appointed Second Bishop of Oakland in 1977
Fourth Pastor: Fr. Vladimir Kozina, 1984
The Indult Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962 is celebrated by
Rev. Vladimir Kozina, September 10, 1989, with the permission of
Bishop John S. Cummins.
Rev. George D. Sullivan, Administrator, 1994
Rev. Paul J. Schmidt, Administrator, 1999
Holy Family Sisters return to parish in the person of Sr. Claude Marie
Crinnion, SHF, Pastoral Associate and former parishioner.
Major earthquake retrofit of the church and hall undertaken in 2000.
Fifth Pastor: Fr. Stan Zak, 2004
90th Anniversary of Parish founding, Mass & Gala Celebration: Sat. Nov 10, 2012 with The Most Rev. John S. Cummins Bishop Emeritus of Oakland;
Rev. Rafal Duda, Parochial Administrator 2014 – 2015
Rev. Glenn Naguit, Parochial Administrator Nov 9, 2015
Rev. Kenneth Nobrega, 6th Pastor, July 1, 2021, Sixth Pastor
Rev. Glenn Naguit, 7th Pastor, August 1, 2022