Altar Servers and Acolytes

St. Margaret Mary Parish is proud to continue the time-honored tradition of having boys and young men serving at the altar.

Through their service at the Mass, these boys grow in a knowledge of their faith, liturgy, develop friendships with their peers, and deepen their vocational discernment through regular contact with the sacraments and priests.

They also assist the priest and help to provide a reverent atmosphere for the worship of our Lord, as well as lead the congregation in prayer.

Altar servers pictured with His Excellency Bishop Michael C. Barber (center) and Rev. Rafal Duda (right) after the Confirmation Mass in March 2015. Photo credit Rev. Alex Castillo

Altar servers pictured with His Excellency Bishop Michael C. Barber (center) and Rev. Rafal Duda (right) after the Confirmation Mass in March 2015. Photo credit Rev. Alex Castillo

Novus Ordo High Mass/server/MC

10:30 am Novus Ordo High Mass on Easter Sunday 2015. Celebrants are Rev. Rafal Duda (left) and Canon Andrew Johnson (right). Photo credit Valerie Burkart


Altar Servers

Boys may serve as altar servers once they have completed:

  • One all day training (usually offered twice or three times a year).

Or three half day trainings (offered the first Friday of the month September-June).

  • Received their First Holy Communion.
  • Are of age 7 or older.

The boys are trained by the Master of Ceremonies and experienced servers to be:

  • Thurifers
  • Boat bearers
  • Crucifers
  • Candle bearers
  • Book bearers
  • Assistant MC’s for special liturgies.

Altar servers are encouraged to continue to serve beyond grade school and into their high school and college years.

Dominics (named after St. Dominic Savio)

Boys who have reached the age of 6 and who have not received their First Holy Communion, may vest in cassock and surplice and process with the older servers. Although they may not be responsible for any jobs they are participating and learning so that once they receive their First Holy Communion they may begin active service at the altar.


Men over the age of 21 who have a desire to serve our Lord at Mass.

These men are trained to act first as servers but also receive training for lectors and sacristans should the need arise.

If you are interested in this ministry please contact John G. Burkart Jr. Master of Ceremonies at

Altar servers pictured on Gaudete Sunday in Advent, 2015. Rev. Glenn Naguit celebrant. Photo credit Valerie Burkart

Altar servers pictured on Gaudete Sunday in Advent, 2015. Rev. Glenn Naguit celebrant. Photo credit Valerie Burkart


10:30 Novus Ordo High Mass Palm Sunday 2014 with 22 altar servers. The celebrant is Rev. David Link. Photo credit Valerie Burkart

10:30 Novus Ordo High Mass Palm Sunday 2014 with 24 altar servers. The celebrant is Rev. David Link. Photo credit Valerie Burkart


Corpus Christi Sunday 2012

Corpus Christi Sunday 2012 Photo credit Valerie Burkart